The FPCF20 diesel fire pump controller is complete design to double batteries and diesel engine,All setting are being made in YONJOU PUMP GROUP as ready for use.Engine controller meets the requirements of the latest eddition of NFPA20.
Standard Feature:
System error alarm indicator
AC power healthy indicator
DC power healthy indicator
Fire sighal indicator Double batteries healthy indicator free contact
Auto mode indicator
Heating indicator
DC power on off switch Manual mode speed high/low control switch
Auto Manual Shutoff mode switch
Heating control on / off switch
Emergency stop mushroom button
Engine smart protection Pipeline pressure auto start/stop control
Remote signal start / stop control
Deluge valve auto start
Auto regular start and stop inspection
Fire signal auto start
Alamre set and alarm mute
Engine run state remote output Double batteries float charge by battery voltage sensing
Smart batteries switching and alternate batteries switching system